Business Mentees Application

To apply as a mentee, we ask you to complete an application form. This must be sent to us with the appropriate payment, otherwise you will not be matched with a business mentor.

We do vet the applications, and will match mentors up with mentees who need their specialist expertise and who are geographically close to one another.

All mentors and mentees must have e-mail addresses with which to be contacted, telephone numbers and postal addresses will not be provided by Business Mentors - this is up the the discretion of the mentor.

To download a copy of the application form, please click here (PDF file).

Overview of Fees

The fees for applying to be a mentee are as follows:

Note: These fees exclude VAT. Please make cheques or postal orders payable to our parent company - The Schalun Organisation.

The fees we recommend that mentors charge the following for their services:

The actual fees are down to your negotiations with your mentor - they may wish not to charge. We have no interest or influence in this.

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